1. Old-fashioned Podcasts

    How to listen to your favourite podcast without podcast app? These few lines of python might be able to help!

  2. Hexplode Game AI

    The game hexplode lets two players fight one another using exploding stacks of their tokens as means to take over enemy tokens. Over time, chain reactions become more and more common and as a result the game becomes difficult to predict. Here, I implement a ‘minimax’ algorithm to create a (very basic) computer player for this game. You can test your skills against it here

  3. Minimum Cost Flow

    Or how to get all your X from A to B for very little C. In this post I create an R implementation of optimizing a “minimum cost flow problem” in R using graph theory and the lpSolve package. This can be useful for transportation and allocation applications in supply chain, logistics, and planning.